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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Age Appropriate Foods - Review on What Foods to Eat at your Age!

Do you know what you eat should also go with your age group? When your body ages, the same foods might not be as useful as it would ten years back.

When I'm 20 years old I need 2000 calories on average

You are running at your peak and your body uses energy very quickly. Cook yourself pasta and baked potatoes and consume lots of vegetables and fruit servings. Have high omega foods like salmon which influence the development of your future baby's brain!

When I'm 30 years old I need 1900 calories on average

Having kids, you will now weight an extra kg or more and you are slowly losing your once tone and muscular body. As muscles use more calories than fat, your diet should involve fiber rich foods including whole grain products. Whole wheat foods, sunflower seeds which gives magnesium (which helps relaxing) and whole wheat bread instead of white bread.

When I'm 40 years old I need 1800 calories on average

Have soybeans, soy milk, tofu as they contain fat, protein, vitamins A and B. Soy = estrogen = menopause relief. At this point in your life, you need to reduce fat intakes as it will affect your future weight and health drastically. Berries, strawberries, tomatoes, melons contain antioxidants which enhance your youth and you will see less wrinkles. Moderation of nuts also help prevent heart disease as they contain vitamin E (another antioxidant aid)

When I'm 50 years old I need 1700 to 1800 calories

Reduce your intake of sugar like sweets. Reduce your intake of foods overall. Your hormones just cannot cope with your additional foods intake if you continue to be careless. Yogurt contains calcium to ensure healthy bones. Liver once a week gives vitamin D and B12 which is needed by older folks. As you get older, instead of staying slim, you need to adjust and take up more foods or else any disease will actually attack your fats and you need to keep yourself physically active or least your body will deteriorate even faster! Take essential oils and nuts (nuts are rich in selenium fighting against many types of cancer in old age). Asparagus and broccoli contain folic acid which continues to keep the brain healthy. When you hit the 70's, you need foods rich in zinc like red meat and seafoods and grain. This keeps your taste buds alive. And not to forget, lots of various vitamins!


The above is a great tool to use to check your weight loss issue!

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